Just a silly little captioned image I made. It is actually a composition of several images – me, my bedroom, the monster (AI image) and the pattern on the floor.

On another site I posted a picture of me in a normal outfit as I got ready to head out to church. I’ve put a stylized version of it below just bc, but it’s a yellow plaid vest & pleated skirt that I paired with a cream satin blouse and over the knee socks. And yes I am a fan of Clueless 🙂

Someone left a comment on it about me looking tasty. Now as a teenage girl, I’m used to being objectified as a piece of meat, but checking out their interests I discovered Vore.

For those who, like me, were not familiar with Vore, it’s an interest/fetish/community/genre that likes stories/art/pretend play of, to quote Wikipedia “being consumed by, or to personally consume, another person or creature, or an erotic attraction to the process of eating in general practice.”

Like, um, yeah. It puts a new spin on stuff. Like the movie Jaws is about a shark that has a human Vore fetish! And all the bloggers who write about food, yeah. They are totes into Vore! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Actually, reading more of the Wikipedia article, I found that Vore differed from cannibalism in that the victim was often swallowed whole. So, um, remember the Disney movie Pinocchio, yeah, it features a whale with a Vore fetish!

I’ll be honest, I don’t get the attraction and if you do, please don’t think I’m making fun of your interest. In fact, in response to the comment that was left on the picture I created a little Vore captioned image in the same outfit for fun:

As I say, I don’t get the interest, but I do like horror novels, particularly ones like H.P. Lovecraft writes, ones where the protagonist is facing horror on a cosmic scale. There’s something quite scary in thinking about suddenly confronting a side to existence that is so far beyond you. Wouldn’t it be terrific! (terrific – inspiring terror)

Though both of the captioned images here are kinda Vore, for me they are more very short horror stories, a tale of terrible fates captioned in an image and less than a hundred or so words. They were certainly fun to make. They also addressed one of my pet peeves with classic horror (and fantasy) novels. As a young female, I’m under-represented:

The Hobbit – Short Dude-fest plus a wizard

Lord of the Ring – Fellowship of dudes

Watership Down – Bunny dudes and no does (in the book if I remember rightly the only female in the original group gets killed early on)

H.P. Lovecraft’s entire work – All dude protagonists

Dracula/Frankenstein/Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/The Wolfman – yes the stories have women in them, but the heroes and villains are all male

Even modern horror/fantasy that has a female front and center seems to need her to be as tough and street smart as the male heroes – she’s pretty much the same as them but with boobs. The ones I have read could pretty much have changed the lead character to a man with minimum other changes needed. There never seems to be female protagonist in horror who feels feminine.

Horror movies are different, because the final girl is usually, well, a girl.

That’s kind of why I enjoyed creating these captioned images. I get to have someone like me in the protagonist role. For the picture at the top of the page, I imagined a spiteful schoolgirl who wants to get back at her teacher in the worstest way and becoming a victim of her own plan. And before anyone asks, i’m not advocating demonology (or vore), or expressing opinions one way or the other about the occult and all that stuff. It’s just meant to be a fun image/story.

Yeah, kind of rambling. 🙂

5 responses to “Demonology for Schoolgirls”

  1. Maggie Avatar

    You call like it is, Madison! I love this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Madison W Avatar

      Thanks. It has been fun creating these little vignettes. I have a few others I’ve done and some more planned when I get the time.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. cobhill611 Avatar

    Dermatology for schoolgirls should be more popular

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Madison W Avatar

      LOL! Better to care for your skin than be skinned i guess!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. cobhill611 Avatar

        Girls have their priorities


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